Culture of Turkey.How they represent theirselves.


Generosity Hospitality Community Networks Nationalism Honour Kemalism Loyalty Turkey (officially the Republic of Turkey) is a huge usa located at the crossroads between Europe and Asia. Its geographic role among these continents has exposed Turkish society to each Eastern and Western influences – from the Eastern Mediterranean and Eastern Europe to Central Asia and the Caucasus. As a result, the subculture hosts specific blends of both conventional and contemporary conventions in addition to religious and secular practices. Indeed, Turks maintain to negotiate their identity as some of the maximum secular human beings within the Islamic international. It is important to word that cultural practices, social attitudes and lifestyles range drastically across the country. There are sizable variations among localities (rural/urban), regions, socioeconomic popularity, ethnicities and educational degrees. Nevertheless, Turks are commonly united by using a strong countrywide identification (see National Identity and Kemalism below). They additionally share positive center cultural values, along with a experience of honour, hospitality and neighbourliness.

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